Writing Guide

Thank you for your interest in writing for A Voice of Gladness!   We are grateful for the chance to link your voice to ours!  

As you create your piece of writing, we invite you to consider how to fulfill the purpose of A Voice of Gladness.  Our purpose statement is to invite women to experience the joy that comes through partaking of the love of Christ as they build and strengthen their relationship with Him, learn and share His truths, and serve others.

You can use the following information as a guide in your writing process.  

First off, the different writing pieces are organized within the following series:

    • Women of Joy: An interview series featuring women who exemplify joy and light.  If there is a woman you’d like to know more about how they’ve become the way they are, this is a great option!   This may also include highlighting a woman from the scriptures or history. The latter could be presented in an essay format. 
    • Finding Joy: Experience and circumstance based writing. This includes experiences from women with particular interests or expertise in certain areas (ie. Joy in… Motherhood, Nature, Loss, Learning, Marriage, Singleness, Creating, really the categories are endless here).  If you feel drawn to share your story, this is the series for you!  
    • Joy in Christ: This series all about helping others come closer to Christ and sharing the truths you have been taught through your life experiences.  It’s focused on Christ and His teachings. Since our target audience is women who are seeking truth and light, we invite you to use interfaith language.  Please remember to correctly cite and include links (when possible) to scriptures, quotes, etc. 

Hopefully that helps give some direction as you consider what you’d like to write! 

Once you’ve decided on the series and topic you’re writing on, here’s how the process will go.

You email us the following: :

  • Your article
    • The length is totally up to you.  It can be a short essay around 400-500 words, or a more detailed article.  If it’s more than 1,600 words, we may consider breaking it into two separate posts.
    • Conclude your article with a specific question or invitation at the end.  These invitations are one of the focuses on how to truly invite women to Christ as they take action.  Consider how your invitation can focus the women in our audience to increase their faith and personal righteousness, strengthen their family and home, and/or to provide relief for themselves or others (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.)
    • We will be posting your article on social media around the same time your article is posted.  We would love for you to interact on our social media platform with those who make comments and ask questions about your article.  
    • We have an awesome team of editors that can help you get your article all polished and ready to publish.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions throughout the process at hello@avoiceofgladness.com.
  • A short bio (5-7 sentences) including any details about yourself/life situation that would be helpful for readers to know.  You may include in your bio the answer to the question “What brings you joy in Christ?” If you have a blog or website you would like to list, this is another great place to mention it!
  • Any personal pictures you may want to include within the article.  We have a media library full of royalty-free pictures available to us that we can draw from.  Since the images we use are an important part of our branding, we try to stick with the photos we have in our library to display on the main page.    

One more thing…

We use Gravatar for our authors’ headshots. You will need to upload a picture of yourself through www.gravatar.com. It’s free and simple, and as long as your email address with them is the same as it is with us, we’ll be good to go. This can be candid photo, a cropped photo, a headshot, etc. Let us know if you have questions about this.

Once your articles is posted, we will send you the link.  We encourage you to share it on social media, share it on your own blog or website if you have one, and/or email your friends and family, etc.  Help us spread the good word! 

We have felt that one of the blessings of A Voice of Gladness will be the opportunity women will have to share the precious truths the Lord puts in their hearts and to minister to others through His Word.  We know the Lord will guide you as you ponder what you should write about!

Thank you for sharing your voice and your light!  We are excited to receive your article!

*We love doing platform partnerships with individuals and groups that share similar values and missions as us.  Let us know if this is something you would be interested in!