2 In Share Your Voice

The Power of Togetherness

Remember that life is hard and next to impossible when you try to do it alone. It’s better when we do it together.

Spencer W. Kimball once said, “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.” Significant power can come into our lives as we choose to both lift and be uplifted by other children of God–a power that not only makes life more enjoyable, but possible. The power of togetherness. I have found this power through studying the word of God, friendship, and family.   

The word of God: It may seem strange to feel strong connections with and support from people whom you’ve never personally met who lived thousands of years ago, yet this is what I find as I take time to come to know my dear friends in the scriptures. I find individuals willing to share their personal experiences and feelings with me. The scriptures unite me with people who share my struggles. Their sharing helps me to know that I’m not alone. I’m not the only one who has felt anxiety for the welfare of people around me, or spoken strongly too quickly without knowing the full situation of what I’m judging. I read of some of the greatest people I know who have made mistakes but then choose to change their lives through God and become more than they ever could have without Him. Their experiences teach me hope and show me that there are others who feel the same way I do about life and how to be happy.

Friendship: The spirit of togetherness brings a sense of unity and strength. I’m strengthened in living with integrity as I see others striving to do the same. I’m lifted as I see the way my peers interact with those around them. Without saying a word, they remind me to look outside of myself and to reach out to those who may feel alone. I recently went through a bit of a slump where I felt alone and discouraged about various things that were going on (or not going on) in my life. I decided to talk with a friend who, it turns out, was feeling similar to the way I was. I could freely share the things I was experiencing with him, and he could do the same. It helped to express my feelings out loud and dispel the isolation I had felt. However, the beauty of the conversation wasn’t that the two of us could commiserate, it was the fact that we could uplift each other and remind each other how to look forward to the good things coming our way. For the most part, we shared things that we both already fundamentally knew and understood, but we needed to be lifted and reminded that we knew them. We could see reality more clearly together than we could on our own. I left our conversation with a renewed ability to face the days ahead of me and comforted by the fact that I wasn’t alone. Another person cared about me, and was rooting for my success and happiness. My friend provided the strength I needed but couldn’t get on my own.

Family: Some of the deepest friendships I experience are found within my family. My parents raised my siblings and me with a solid foundation of faith, caring, working through struggles, and trust. Our home is a sanctuary where together we learn and practice becoming our best selves. We become stronger as we pray for one another and seek to bless each other’s lives and show love. We are united in our common beliefs and desires to become like God. We are uniquely suited to help each other as we strive to meet our goals, because of our years of coming to know each other and sharing experiences. Because we are bound in faith and love we can face any hard time that comes our way, either collectively or individually.  

God doesn’t mean for us to be alone in our striving to become like Him. I believe that as we carve our pathway through life with Him, He places specific people along our roads precisely when we need them, whether they be men and women we come to know by reading their stories in the scriptures, a brother, or a girl who smiles at us while crossing the street.

The next time we may feel tempted to push people away, let’s choose to reach out, connect with those around us, and experience the power of togetherness.

Remember that life is hard and next to impossible when you try to do it alone. It’s better when we do it together.

Thee lift me and I’ll lift thee, and we’ll both ascend together.

~Quaker Proverb~

Invitation: The next time you may feel tempted to push people away, choose to reach out, connect with them, and experience the power of togetherness.

Please share your thoughts or experience below!

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  • Reply
    May 16, 2018 at 3:33 pm

    Yes, I fully believe this too. It is through others that we may ascend to greater heights than we ever imagined. Especially through our Savior. I love the idea of connecting with those in the scriptures. It is so very true, and what a way to bring them to life. Thank you for this beautiful testimony!

  • Reply
    Brooke Smith
    May 18, 2018 at 1:46 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Anna! Beautiful thoughts. 🙂

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