0 In Finding Joy

Blessed, Honored Pioneers

As I have reflected on those individuals, I take courage myself. Their lives of faith and goodness while imperfect inspire me to make my own journey in life with all of its blessings and adventures, trials  and tribulations.

Recently my small family celebrated a holiday known in Utah as Pioneer Day. It happens every 24th of July and it is a special time for us to remember our ancestors who adventured across the vast expanse of this country in search for religious freedom. We pulled honey taffy and watched a film called ‘Legacy’ which focusses on their lives, their stories, and the courage with which they lived their lives.

My Ancestors came from England, Wales, Sweden, and Denmark. They left behind their homes, their careers, their friends, their relatives as well as their beautiful and beloved countries, to follow a call and a hope to be with the Saints and worship God as they pleased. These travelers were like the Pilgrims of old who immigrated from England to The Netherlands and then to America, to worship God freely. They came not just for themselves but for their descendants as well. They saw ahead great blessings awaiting their children in a land of Promise.

As I have reflected on those individuals, I take courage myself. Their lives of faith and goodness while imperfect inspire me to make my own journey in life with all of its blessings and adventures, trials  and tribulations. I have loved teaching my children about the courage of their ancestors as they have prepared to go back to school and embark on another new journey for them. It is wonderful to reflect on the amazing blessings that have come to my life as a result of their faith.

How can we make the decisions today that will bring happiness not only to ourselves, but to our posterity as well? There is something so beautiful in looking ahead, praying to God above, reflecting back, and reaching out. Even though we no longer live in Utah, I love celebrating this holiday. It allows me to reflect on my blessings and where they come from, teach my children of their ancestors and of their courage, and to have a little fun.

Invitations: Learn about one of your ancestors and share their story with someone you love.

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