0 In Finding Joy

Being the Hero in Your Own Story

Being intentional to create the optimal condition of the Heart

In every narrative, there is a story-arch of rising action, climax and resolution in which the main character goes through a “Hero’s Journey.” There is the starting context with a specific place of origin, in which the world or situation presents a gap or problem which needs to be solved. The key person receives a calling or assignment along with an adventure, in which tests, challenges and trials prove and bring power to enable them to accomplish the task at hand. They often receive special gifts or capabilities to perform what is needed. Yet there is always a “great struggle” and various moments of decision where they must use agency to choose to take a step higher and become changed.

The rising action of the Hero’s Journey becomes the story we all relate with, going from figurative darkness to light. Hope is greatly needed to sustain through the struggles, to act then become changed and empowered through the adventures. At the end of the narrative the hero, if victorious, conquers the challenge and becomes a champion (if not then the story is thus a tragedy). The winning hero returns to the original world to reflect on the growth, to share their adventures and inspire others to become the Heroes in their own journey as well.

We ALL are on our own hero’s journey, creating our own beautiful and amazing life.

God has entrusted us with spiritual gifts and assignments to learn and grow through our adventures of different rising action within our tailored trials. We have individual pursuits and tasks given, either through our talents or how life has unfolded for us. We each have a great opportunity to truly become refined and changed in amazing ways with the spiritual growth available along the way.

In preparation for the miracles that can occur in our hearts, minds, and lives, we are responsible for the condition of our own heart and soul. We are the gardeners that prepare the soil for seeds of faith and knowledge. We tend the ground, the budding plants, the sprouting and blossoming experiences in our own circumstance. We are the builders of great things in our life! We are the designers of our own story. We are the creators of our own narrative through our choices and the story we tell ourselves. We can choose to include Divine guidance and help, and we ultimately have the agency required to make the decisions and do the work to create the makings of our story.

I believe God wants us all to succeed and become great, to be heroes/heroines in our own journey!  And then to help each other along the way. There is a wonderful and divine purpose to this life existence.  Growth and connection are keys to enjoying the path and reaching the goal.

I love this verse in Alma 5:7 where it helps us realize two first steps to rising in our own hero’s journey. We need to awake and be illuminated. “He changed their hearts, yea he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God…their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word.”

May we all rise up to be the beautiful heroes in our own amazing stories of greatness!

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

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