0 In Joy in Christ

Centering the Soul with Joy in Christ

Jesus Christ is the life-source that restores our soul. Only He as the Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer, Advocate with the Father, and Lord can center the soul in a storm. The power of the Atonement provides the magic that changes everything.

A wise prophet once taught that human beings exist to have joy.  If we believe our total existence and life purpose is to have joy, that must mean it exists and we can access it. True deep joy is possible as we center our hearts. (“Men are that they might have joy” 2 Nephi 2:25)  The question now becomes if we believe that, or are willing to do the work to create joy in our life.

There have been times in my life where I have struggled to feel joy. The real anguish over hopes with self, family or global growth, or lack thereof, can be heart-wrenching. Years ago I felt the burdens of a personal storm with a brand new baby, a cross-country move, new city, new home, fewer friends, and my husband was bound to travel for seven weeks the first few months of the big move. Change is hard, and in that season of my life I had layers of challenge which felt crushing. The weight was heavy and I didn’t know how I would bear it all, nor find the strength to be a good mother, solo-parent, plus happy homemaker. The potential for joy felt very, very far away.

One morning I was so weary in every sense and I fell onto my bed in tears with a huge prayer in my heart. I pled, “How can I do all this?” As I wept and prayed, a vivid impression came to me with the words of a hymn that has taught me volumes about the Source of peace.

Every word of the hymn rang in my mind: “Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is o’ershadowed with darkness. No shelter or help is nigh.” I felt that fiercely in that moment. Figuratively my storm was swallowing me in a depth of despair. Then came the chorus: “No waters can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean, and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey thy will: Peace, be still; Peace, be still…” (Hymn Text: Mary Ann Baker)

The message was clear. The lesson centered on Jesus Christ. My focus was restored and strength came. I was sustained. And I have continued to feel the power of centering my soul in the Savior and the joy that comes from having Him in my heart.

Prayer and scripture study are often the standard keys, because they are real and they work. They provide time to commune with God. Spiritual centering is a huge key to joy! It takes practice. It takes time. If we make that effort and bring our Savior onboard– in our heart, within our soul, onto our boat– then we truly can be sustained through our storms. We receive strength more than our own. And joy can survive, even through the challenges of life.

May I offer three guidelines that can help us bring Christ “aboard our boat” to center our soul. These three keys aid us along our journey to the soul-filled joy we are meant to experience.

The first key is faith. As joy is found in Christ, faith in Jesus is the first step and foundation to building a life of joy. His grace can change our ways from negative pitfalls to positive pathways of empowerment.  It all begins with active faith in Christ. Managing our thoughts and channeling our energy with a hope in Christ is essential to the path of peace and joy. With prayer, meditation, self-government and hope in action, miracles happen. God’s grace can open the floodgates of healing and power that is available to the suffering soul.

Richard G. Scott has reminded us: “[The Lord’s] intent is that each of us finds joy… as you obey the commandments, have faith in the Master, and do the things that are necessary to have joy here on earth. Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy. Pondering their doctrine will let you enjoy the beauties of this earth and enrich your relationships with others. It will lead you to the comforting, strengthening experiences that flow from prayer to Father in Heaven and the answers He gives in return.”  

The second key is love. Refocusing our perspective with the eyes of charity is a game-changer.  If there is charity in one’s heart then despite what happens in life, love helps us live through it. The power of love is amazing. The Atonement of Christ and His Grace can enable us to do and love when and how it is needed. Whether the pain is within us or others, charity solves and resolves; whether it is the balm to heal inner hurt, the energy to keep caring, or the inspiration to solve unique problems. Love heals and gives heart. I am often amazed at how much love empowers me to endure in kindness as a mother during difficult moments, when I want to scream, but pray to love. Charity requires an open heart and vulnerable soul to care and risk to be hurt.  But it’s worth working on our heart to increase our love.

The vulnerability that comes by loving wholeheartedly could be scary, but as we empower our heart and mind with the daily source of spiritual power it can truly sustain us in all the storms of life. And our entire purpose to live in joy is to connect with people. Thus we can create deep joy through our heart-work with love in action.

The third key is to create goodness through service. As we believe and have faith in the source of spiritual growth, in Christ, we then follow His example and do much good. He went about doing much good and instead of consuming, we need to create good in our part of the garden. As human beings we consume time, food, resources, products, and an inventory of life’s goods. It is normal to take in and let go of the leftovers from that which we have. Yet if we only consume and take, we will be left empty. It’s important to give, share and create something to offer and build in the world. What we do with our time is a byproduct of our soul’s work. What we can offer and contribute to others is important to ponder on. Then we need to choose to be intentional with our resources of time and energy. That includes service toward family, friends, neighbors, community– everyone and anyone. It is a beautiful thing to explore ways to create contributions to build and grow.

I love the idea to “bloom where you are planted.” That includes bloom to fruit, expand and share. The guideline to create not just consume will bless your life, others and the world. Creating with your unique set of talents will build great things to contribute to your part of the vineyard and blessings abound. Service is charity in action and grows our personal joy by reaching beyond ourselves and truly loving others with our good deeds.

Faith, love and service are keys to finding joy and peace. Christ can be aboard your boat as these concepts are actualized. We then become centered in our lives through finding Christ, loving others and contributing through service.  

Jesus Christ is the life-source that restores our soul. Only He as the Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer, Advocate with the Father, and Lord can center the soul in a storm. The power of the Atonement provides the magic that changes everything.

“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the words of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.” (2 Nephi 31:20, The Book of Mormon).

In the flurry of storms and life, sometimes it’s a challenge to find joy. Yet these basics of prayer and scriptures, combined with the keys of faith in Christ, love and service are truly foundational in discovering and maintaining joy. And as we center ourselves in Christ we have a greater chance to access it to experience peace and joy. Applying the principles and doctrine of the Gospel can restore the key elements to sustain our soul and bring deep joy back to the heart through all times!  

Experiment: Take a few minutes to pray about how you can apply these three keys today– to have added faith by thinking more of Christ, to have stronger love in action, and to more fully create goodness through service. I testify that deep joy and peace comes from applying these keys to having Christ onboard in your heart.  

Share your experience using the hashtag #myvoiceofgladness.

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