1 In Joy in Christ

Faith or Fear?

So how do we have faith in the face of rampant fear? How do we keep hoping, when things look and sound and feel so bleak? How do we keep going, when life is full of overwhelm? How do we keep believing, when the voice of trepidation and doubt fills our minds and hearts so vehemently?

I have 7-year old twin boys. A couple weeks ago, we went for a family walk around our neighborhood. The boys decided to bring their scooters along and as we got to our first downhill, one boy flew down as fast as he could, while the other hesitated. I watched this boy get on his scooter for a couple seconds, then quickly jump off and stop himself, all the while watching his brother get further and further away. Pretty soon, discouragement set in and tears started to flow. In all his frustration, he blurted out, “Why can’t I be brave?” 

This question was immediately followed up with a discussion about what being brave really meant. Does it mean you never feel afraid? Does it mean that everything comes easy? Eventually, there was an understanding that courage is found when we choose to keep trying, keep going, or keep believing despite being scared. It’s having faith, even when fear surrounds us. 

Fear. Sometimes, it seems almost impossible to shake free from it’s grasp. It can be paralyzing and destructive. It has the potential to rob us of great blessings, including meaningful relationships and personal growth. In a General Conference address,
“Therefore They Hushed Their Fears”, Elder David A Bednar said:

“In our daily lives, endless reports of criminal violence, famine, wars, corruption, terrorism, declining values, disease, and the destructive forces of nature can engender fear and apprehension. Surely we live in the season foretold by the Lord: ‘And in that day … the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them’”

So how do we have faith in the face of rampant fear? How do we keep hoping, when things look and sound and
feel so bleak? How do we keep going, when life is full of overwhelm? How do we keep believing, when the voice of trepidation and doubt fills our minds and hearts so vehemently? I recently reread Elder Bednar’s address, and I want to expand on three principles he shares in addressing these concerns: Look, Build, and Press Forward.


Among all the breaking news, instant streaming, and social media buzz, it can be overwhelming and distracting to find true and lasting peace. How often am I looking at my mobile device, scrolling through these sources for guidance or knowledge, instead of looking to Christ? It becomes increasingly more difficult to focus on the Savior when I spend a majority of my time looking elsewhere. God’s prophets have repeatedly told us to look to Christ and live. 


As I’ve gained a testimony of Christ and His ability to provide true and lasting peace in my life, continuing to build upon that is crucial in overcoming fear. Prayer, scripture study, church and temple attendance all strengthen that foundation of faith. When worry and strife appear, there is definite fortitude that comes from remembering and honoring the covenants and promises I’ve made with God. Just as the wise man’s house stayed secure, our faith has the power to be resilient against the storms of life if it is built upon the foundation of Christ.  

Press Forward

I am learning that faith requires action. It requires belief in Christ, trust to follow Him, and courage to keep trying, even when I feel afraid. I’m also learning that when I press forward in faith, I become more than I was and I go farther than I thought I could. Steadfastness is a process and when we consistently act in faith and live the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our journey through this life can be hopeful despite bleak outlooks and trepid voices. 

In a day when fear seems the easier choice, let’s choose to be brave. Look to the source of truth and peace, build upon His foundation, and press forward with faith. Keep believing, keep trusting, and keep trying. 

“Trust and confidence in Christ and a ready reliance on His merits, mercy, and grace lead to hope, through His Atonement, in the Resurrection and eternal life. Such faith and hope invite into our lives the sweet peace of conscience for which we all yearn. The power of the Atonement makes repentance possible and quells the despair caused by sin; it also strengthens us to see, do, and become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. Truly, one of the great blessings of devoted discipleship is “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” (Elder Bednar, “Therefore They Hushed Their Fears”)


Invitation: For one week, make a goal to spend a set amount of time away from screens. Fill that set time with the Savior through prayer, study, or simply pondering and writing in your journal thoughts and impressions. Pay attention to how you feel. Do you feel more peace? Hope? Calmness or strength? 


Enjoy another article on faith here or here!

Photo: Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    May 12, 2020 at 12:41 am

    This is so beautiful, timely, and helpful!! Thank you so much Megan!

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