0 In Finding Joy

HOPE Strong through a Pandemic (Part 2 of 2)

Hope is a choice, in both mindset and action.

Hope is a choice, in both mindset and action. As mentioned in the first article of this Hope series, the daily struggle of managing uncertainty and the messy parts of life can be soothed with an intentional mindset and action of being “Hope Strong.” It is possible to make the choices necessary to bring more light into our days, more joy into our ways, and rays of sunshine throughout the storms. 

I’ve been sharing about Hope on
Instagram and explored various applications with ways to define this encouraging concept. For me, ‘HOPE’ stands for: Heavenly Optimism with People and Experiences. 

Hope is activated both with a power mindset focus and then it is action-oriented in both small to large ways. Hope is a power deep within and unleashed in our attitude, action, affirmations and words.

“Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking or a cognitive process.”
(Brene Brown)

In the first part of this article shared last week, we explored inner mindset and the
why which motivates the Hope-filled action. To begin we first need to define the deep, core reasons and goals with thoughts that create powerful momentum. Affirmations and power habits of positive thoughts lead to great action. 

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
(Audrey Hepburn)


Hope is a garden of a hundred thoughts, a collection of loving intentions, words, good deeds and actions. Hope doesn’t give up. Hope keeps on through darkness, struggle and decline. Like a seed planted in the ground, as long as we nourish it with a believing mindset and consistent action, we can keep Hope strong. 

“Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Don’t sell out.
”  (Christopher Reeve)

We all have difficult days where the ground feels hard or infertile and we are weary, weak, and tired. We have all wanted to give up and desired a break from the effort Hope requires.


But keep choosing to care with action! Keep trying to share your light and love! Act and do good deeds even in small ways until you get to the bigger ways. Your why is a solid foundation to stand on. Choose faith along the way. Trust God. Seek your source of light and set yourself on a firm place. Then stand up, set one foot in front of another. Take baby steps and forward facing efforts to lift yourself and others onward and upward! 

Think about what actions you participate in daily. Do they lift up or weigh down a hopeful mindset? What habits do you engage in for both the healthy or stuck ways of being? In whom do you put your Hope? What self-care actions help maintain that direction? What works for you? 

Personal revelation is essential and truly helpful in order to receive the answers that will boost your individual heart! The constant effort to improve the little things will impact your day and can improve overall mental health, physical strength and spiritual wellness. 

We can share small
efforts of love to make Hope strong with prayers, conversations, service and reaching out to lift our own hearts and those in our circle of care. Each healthy habit can soothe the soul and boost the heart to brave action in our lives. The little things help us be aligned. 

With this quarantine, I have felt some weight and weariness of dim hope on the home front lately. I could credit it to many reasons -like my children or this pandemic- but really it all starts and ends with my thought-work combined with my external choices. Managing my mindset and action have helped me regain Hope in my heart and home! First mindset, I pause to pray (self evaluate, listen and center myself with God) and then I say daily affirmations (work to change my thoughts leading to better actions). Second, these choices create optimistic action outpoured as increased charity for myself and others. Action grows through connection, shared relationship-energy, service, ministering, reaching out to family and friends in heartfelt ways. These powerful efforts have brought me such inner joy and created a bright vision of the future!


“…press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.” (The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 31:20)

A deep Hope comes from the daily action to seek a spiritual perspective. God’s light illuminates the heart for a bright future as we act in faith. This heavenly alignment and optimism naturally spreads toward people and experiences, to spell HOPE! 


Hope is believing, in both mindset and action. Like the once dormant trees that in springtime burst with blossoms, we can bloom active faith and Hope in our hearts and homes! It is real. It is abundant as we seek Heaven’s Hopeful reassurance. 

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” (Nelson Mandela)

Today amidst sorrows and uncertainty, I want to witness there is Heavenly Hope! With God’s light in our hearts, there is great faith, mercy, justice, light, devotion, support, sacrifice and spiritual sustaining power. We can carry that mindset and manifest Hope in action with the daily details of our lives. With our thoughts, conversations, and prayers we reflect our deepest beliefs and wishes.

As Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf taught: “Hope transcends the trivial and centers on…our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Hope is not knowledge, but rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promise to us….The things we hope in sustain us during our daily walk. They uphold us through trials, temptations, and sorrow. Everyone has experienced discouragement and difficulty. Indeed, there are times when the darkness may seem unbearable. It is in these times that the divine principles of the restored gospel we hope in can uphold us and carry us until, once again, we walk in the light.” (“The Infinite Power of Hope”)

This deep Hope is divine and creates an inner light that brings clarity to the mind and heart. As we each keep seeking and sharing within our circles of influence and we can build abundant Hope in ourselves and others. 

You can do it. We can do it. Keep on keeping on in your mindset and action to have Hope strong! It’s worth the work and brings wonderful heartfelt results. 

“Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, 
that ye may abound in Hope.” (Romans 15:13 KJV)


THIS WEEK: I invite you to consider how you can choose to activate your Hope through personal efforts of ministering and reaching out to women in your own “sisterhood garden”. How can you lift and share the light that God has given you to help others strengthen their Hope?


Check out the first article in this series here!

Join Heidi Foss on Instagram @TheSisterhoodGarden to read and share in more about Hope.

Photo credit: Ornella Binni on Unsplash

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